Recognition Service Report 2023

Recognition Service Report
By Debbie McLaughlin
On Saturday 2nd September 2023, the Irish Baptist College recognised nine students who have recently graduated from the College. It was an opportunity for the students, along with their family members and College staff, to give thanks and worship the Lord while reflecting on the duration of their studies.
The Principal, Edwin Ewart, led the service and opened in prayer, and everyone sang How Firm A Foundation You Saints Of The Lord. Dr Peter Firth gave a Statement of Achievement looking at how the students, with God’s help, had developed over the course.
Dr Davy Ellison, the Director of Training, presented the awards to the students and Dr David Luke commended the students and their future service in prayer. O Lord, My Rock And My Redeemer was sung before the Principal Designate, Dr Jonathan McClaughlin, brought a relevant word to the students.
Dr McClaughlin spoke from the verse Joshua 1:9. As the graduates go out into their future Christian service they were reminded that ‘The Lord is with you’. They can be ‘strong and courageous’ and ‘not be afraid’. Even though Joshua’s circumstances had changed and Moses had died, Joshua could stand on the faithful promises of God. The same is true of the new graduates as they go forward to fulfil the Great Commission in the way God has planned for them, that they would hold on to the promise ‘The Lord your God is with you wherever you go.’
The service finished by singing Jesus, The Name High Over All, before Dr Sarah Dalrymple closed in prayer.
After the service there was a time of fellowship over lunch and an opportunity for the graduates, in their graduating gowns, to have family photographs taken.
Please pray for these men as they go forward to whatever God has planned for them. Pray they will know God’s help and leading in their lives as they stand firm on the promises of God over the coming years.