Recognition Service Report 2021

On Saturday 4th September 2021, 12 Irish Baptist College graduands stood in their gowns and mortarboards ready to be recognised as graduates of the college. Dr Sarah Dalrymple opened the service with a welcome and a prayer before we sang His Mercy Is More. Following this Dr David Luke read out the Statement of Achievement and then Dr Davy Ellison presented the Awards and prayed for the students as they begin the next season of life and gospel service beyond College. Pastor Edwin Ewart preached from 1 Kings 19:15-21 on the call of Elisha. He pointed out that it was a sudden call for Elisha, that he obeyed the call of God with a joyful obedience and also that the call had a mundane beginning as Elisha was the servant of Elijah. This was then applied to the lives of everyone in the room but primarily to the students as they seek to serve God in whatever way He asks of them. We finished the service by singing All Glory Be To Christ and Edwin closed in prayer. The rest of the time together was spent drinking tea or coffee and eating homemade scones, tray bakes and donuts. Together with their families the students had some graduation photos taken and it appears that everyone had an enjoyable conclusion to their time at the Irish Baptist College. Please pray for these graduates that as they begin their new roles they would serve the Lord with their whole heart in joyful obedience and not forget the things they have learned during their studies.