Graduate Series: Valerie Roebuck

Graduate Series: Valerie Roebuck
Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I’m Valerie, I’m married to Olly, I have two children and one granddaughter. I go to Richhill Park Baptist Church and I enjoy knitting in my spare time!
When did you study at IBC and what was the most beneficial thing you gained from your time here?
I started the College in September 2021 and graduated in May 2024. What a blessing it has been to spend 3 years studying God's word, digging deeper, stretching myself more than ever before, and seeing God's hand at work in my life. I have always valued God's word, but the study here has given me a greater, fuller picture.
What are you doing now that you’ve left the College, and how did your time at IBC help prepare you for that?
I have to say that the moment I submitted my last essay I had a number of feelings; relief that I had made it to the end, anticipation—would I have enough points to pass, and excitement—what was ahead? My husband is the pastor of Richhill Park Baptist Church. My first move after leaving College was to support Olly in ministry and to find a job that would give me some flexibility. I had been a classroom assistant before I started at IBC and when a job as a classroom assistant came up in a local school I took it. They only needed help for a few months but this has turned into a more permanent post for three years. It's so useful to have the tools that the College teaches to help you study and speak in public. I’m able to put them in to practise as I teach Bible class in church each week. I’ve found that I have changed how I study the Bible and even how I think about how the Bible all fits together. Studying at IBC has given me such a boost in helping to want to, and be able to, study more. I’m not as scared to dig deep!
What can we pray for you?
Pray that as I seek to show Christ Jesus wherever He has placed me that those around would ask questions and so give glory to God.